Igniting the Spark of Innovation in Africa: Empowering Women and Young ASPIRING Entrepreneurs Through Tech Education join us

Empowering women and young entrepreneurs in transforming Africa

Get ready to witness the rise of a new generation of women and young tech leaders in rural Africa! Global Impact Innovators (GII) Africa is launching soon, offering free, accessible training programs that will equip them with the skills and knowledge to launch innovative startups, drive economic growth, and create positive social change in their communities.
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of Africa’s population lacks reliable internet access.

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are women in Tech, while men make up 70+ % (A big gender gap today).

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of African Youth engage in entrepreneurial activities. A very small number.


Global Impact Innovators (GII) Africa is a nonprofit initiative that aims to empower African entrepreneurs, particularly women and those in rural areas, by providing free, accessible tech startup and entrepreneurship training, leveraging mobile technology and local language support, and fostering a sustainable ecosystem for economic growth and innovation in Africa.

GII Africa plans to fund these educational programs through a diverse range of sources, including grants, donations, sponsorships, and fundraising events. This approach will ensure financial stability.

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Training and Education

Community Building and Support

Access to Resources and Networks

Building Partnership and Collaborations

Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Our vision is to foster an inclusive and thriving environment for tech entrepreneurship across Africa, where women and young  entreprenuers in underserved communities have equal access to education, mentorship, and opportunities, enabling them to create positive change and sustainable impact in their communities.

Our Mission

GII Africa empowers African women and young aspiring entrepreneurs in tech to drive economic growth through innovation and tech Entrepreneurship.

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Why support us

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Increase in female tech entrepreneurs could boost Africa’s GDP by $12 billion by 2026.

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More new jobs created for tech startups in Africa than large corporations

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Of African tech startups are led by women, even though women-led firms see a 34% higher return on investment.

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Of Africa’s projected 2.5 billion population will be under 25, representing a massive pool of potential talent by 2050.

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Women in tech make 34% less than men in the same job type.

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of the global population will consist of Africans by 2030


• Poverty

Approximately 429 million people in Africa live in extreme poverty, with education being a key factor in breaking the cycle.

• Education Barriers

Over one-fifth of primary school-aged children and almost 60% of youth aged 15-17 are not in school in Sub-Saharan Africa. Girls are disproportionately affected.

• Unemployment

Africa has one of the highest unemployment rates globally for women

• Limited Access

Limited access to tech education in rural areas

• Gender Gap

Gender gap in tech and entrepreneurship

Our Approach

• Empowering Women

Closing the gender gap in tech can unlock a massive pool of talent and drive innovation.

• Equipping the young generation

Providing young people with the skills they need to succeed in the digital economy can create jobs, reduce poverty, and spur innovation.

• Building a Brighter Future

Supporting the next generation of African entrepreneurs is an investment in the continent’s long-term prosperity and sustainable development.

• Mobile Training Units

GII Africa plans to deploy mobile training units to reach remote areas, by providing access to technology where it’s typically unavailable.

• Focus on empowering the underserved communities

This initiative focuses on empowering women and young entrepreneurs in rural Africa. Our goal is to increase female participation in the tech industry and encourage young people in rural areas to use technology to make impacts in their communities.

Our Inspirations

Meet Nyah

In Africa, I met Nyah, a woman eager to learn web development. With limited resources, she used an old phone to study an online course I gave her. Despite having no tools to practice, her determination never wavered. Nyah’s story is a powerful reminder of the human spirit’s resilience in the face of adversity.

Inspired by Nyah’s unwavering determination to learn web development with only an old phone at her disposal, Global Impact Innovators is dedicated to supporting individuals like her. We aim to provide the necessary tools, resources, and opportunities to empower aspiring learners and innovators across the globe. Nyah’s story is a compelling reminder of the transformative power of education and the importance of supporting those who strive to better themselves and their communities, no matter the obstacles they face.

How can you help?


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Donation Policy

How we use your donations

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Your donations to Global Impact Innovators (GI) will be used strategically to support our mission of empowering women and underserved communities across Africa through accessible tech education and resources. Specifically, your contributions will be utilized for

Tech Education & Entrepreneurship Programs

Access to Technology

Community Outreach

Mentorship and Support

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